Private Entities

Hotel Business Federation of Mallorca

Founded in 1976 as a pioneer and dean of tourism associations in Spain, encompassing small, medium and large hotel companies of Mallorca. It currently has 196,962 beds corresponding to 844 establishments. Its mission is to create a development framework that guarantees the competitiveness and sustainability of the hotel sector at Mallorca.

Agrupación de Cadenas Hoteleras Baleares (Association of Hotel Chains Balearic Islands)

Entity founded in 1977 by the most important hotel chains in the Balearic Islands. Members include Riu Hotels & Resorts, Barceló Hotels, Iberostar Hotels & Resorts, Globalia and Sol Melià Hotels.

Agrupación Empresarial de Agencias de Agencias de Viaje de Baleares (Balearic Travel Agencies Business Group)

(AVIBA) is a corporation of companies in the Balearic tourism sector. It includes all those travel agencies that believe in corporatism and that seek, through this union, to protect their general interests before all the centres of decision making and power. Its main objective is to generate greater competitiveness, in order to offer a higher quality in the services provided by the associated agencies, respecting the individual interests of each one of them.

Established in 1905, Fomento del Turismo de Mallorca

It is one of the oldest tourism institutions in the world. It is formed by businessmen and professionals in the tourism sector and currently acts as a forum for debate and opinion on issues related to the improvement of tourism. Its mission is to disseminate the tourist activity of Mallorca both to visitors and potential visitors as well as to the Mallorcan society itself. It is an independent association of people and organizations, committed to the promotion of tourism, the relevance of tourism in our society and economy, the care of the environment, friendly treatment with the tourist and the deseasonalization.

The Impulsa Balears Foundation

It is a platform for strategic knowledge and regional interaction that works to facilitate decision-making by economic and social agents and the configuration of a productive transformation agenda with a significant impact on the global competitiveness of the Balearic Islands. The foundation focuses its activity on:

  • To develop strategic initiatives that promote the alignment of economic and social agents around the precepts provided by the new paradigm of global competitiveness, from the construction of a holistic vision that allows the identification of the levers of value, both public and private, with the capacity to bring the Balearic Islands' growth pattern closer to that of the most advanced European regions.
  • To deploy innovative work vectors aimed at generating and incorporating the strategic knowledge necessary for the design, implementation and monitoring of a global competitiveness strategy that acts in favour of the economic and social progress of the islands.
  • Promote values among the actors of the regional tetrahelix that allow for the construction of a collaborative process oriented towards the establishment of guidelines and consensual action measures that allow for the successful implementation of a productive transformation agenda.

The International Cluster of Information and Communication Technologies applied to Tourism (TURISTEC)

First industrial cluster in the Balearic Islands. The organisation was also a pioneer in Spain in concentrating the know-how of the tourism sector. Its mission is:
To promote digitalisation and innovation initiatives that facilitate the growth of its members in particular and of the tourism and ICT sector in general.
Identify new business models emerging in the market and lines of financing for projects that are of interest to members.
Promote new business opportunities between members of the Cluster based on the knowledge of the needs of some and solutions of others.
To create a common space for knowledge and collaboration between the members of the Cluster and the institutions and organisations related to technology applied to the tourism sector.

About the Observatory

Fundació Mallorca Turisme
Edifici de la Misericòrdia
Plaça de l'Hospital, 4
07012 Palma, Illes Balears
Tel. +34 971 21 96 48

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